Ear wax build up and hearing aids: Why is it common for ear wax to accumulate and cause blockages which affect hearing aid function.
Hearing Aids causing Earwax: Lifestyle choice
While hearing aids enhance the quality of life for individuals with hearing loss, a common hurdle for wearers is earwax buildup. This can result in blocked ears and disrupt the functionality of the hearing aids. Managing earwax alongside hearing aids can pose challenges, but regular ear cleaning can offer effective solutions.

Hearing Aids causing Earwax : Managing the challenge
- Stimulate cerumen ( ear wax production) leading to blocked ears and interfer with hearing aid function
- Blocks the ear wax’s natural migration out of the outer ear canal
Recognising the Signs and Symptoms of Ear Wax Build-Up
- Feeling of fullness in the ear or pressure in ear
- Earache or pain
- Reduced hearing or muffled sounds
- Itching or irritation in the ear
- Tinnitus or ringing in the ear
- Whistling sound when hearing aid is inside the ear canal
- Difficulty fitting hearing aids
- Ear odor or discharge
- Dizziness or vertigo
Methods of Ear Wax Removal
- Softening with olive oil
- Manual removal by a healthcare professional clinically trained in microsuction
- Ear cleaning

Prevention of Ear Wax Build-Up
- Twice a year ear clean to maintain ear wax build-up to help with hearing for adults and children
- Avoidance of using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ear

- Microsuction is the best practice for ear wax removal and prevention
- The Expert Ear Nurses at Crystal Clear Ears provide excellent microsuction services to help hearing aid wearers manage ear wax build-up effectively.
Cindy Morris, Registered Nurse Education Coordinator