Olive Oil for Earwax Removal: Best Ear Drops

Why do Ear Nurses prefer using olive oil to soften ear wax? Read on to Learn the Pros and Cons of Each Method.

Olive Oil for Earwax Removal: Blocked Ears

Earwax buildup is a common issue that can cause discomfort, hearing loss, and potential infection. While there are several methods available for removing earwax, Olive oil for earwax removal is the preferred option, another option include Waxsol.

Waxsol, a water-based solution often recommended by doctors and pharmacists, aims to soften earwax for easier removal. However, the Ear Nurses have found a few challenges in the consistency of the wax which causes:

  • The ear wax is difficult to remove due to the smearing effect over the ear canal and ear drum.

As an alternative, we recommend using Olive Oil to soften earwax before undergoing microsuction treatment.

Olive Oil for Earwax Removal : Used for Centuries

Olive Oil is a natural and cost-effective option that proves more effective at softening earwax. However, it’s crucial to note that olive oil should not be used in conjunction with other drops or if you have a perforated eardrum.

Microsuction Ear Cleaning

Skilled Ear Nurses equipped with binocular glasses and suction devices widely consider the method involving the use of olive oil as the preferred approach for earwax removal. They conduct this gentle and clinically proven treatment. Now, let’s delve into the intricacies of how this process works:

  • The use of a small suction device with low pressure to gently remove the wax.
  • Fine instruments like tiny forceps and spoons may be employed to assist in earwax removal.

This method is similar to the one used by Ear Nose & Throat Specialist Doctors and Victorian Royal Eye and Ear Hospital

By utilising olive oil and considering microsuction, individuals can address earwax buildup successfully.