How Vaping Affects Your Sinuses

The Hidden Risks of Vaping: How Vaping Affects Your Health and Sinuses

Vaping exposes you to harmful and toxic chemicals that may affect both your physical and mental health.  Vaping can cause damage to lungs and brain, it can impact  attention, learning, memory, and mood changes.  Furthermore, vaping can affect your sinuses and consequently, your ears and clarity of hearing. 

Despite what you may read, there’s no such thing as safe vaping. 

What Are Vapes?

Vapes, or e-cigarettes, are battery-operated, hand-held devices used to breathe a mist or vapor into the lungs via a mouthpiece. According to the Australian Government: Health and Aged Care, all e-cigarettes, even those that may not contain nicotine, can contain other toxic substances, including cancer-causing agents such as:

  • Formaldehyde: Used in industrial glues and for preserving corpses in hospitals and funeral homes.
  • Acetone: Generally found in nail polish remover.
  • Acetaldehyde: Used in chemicals, perfumes, and plastics.
  • Acrolein: Commonly found in weedkiller.
  • Heavy metals: Including nickel, tin, and lead.

Additionally, vapes can contain:

  • Propylene glycol: A solvent used in fog/smoke machines.
  • Polyester compounds.
  • Anti-freeze: Used in car coolants.
  • Vegetable glycerin: A liquid derived from vegetable fat.

How Vaping Affects Your Sinuses and Eustachian Tube

What you may not realise is that vaping can also affect the sinuses and the Eustachian tube.  The Eustachian tube connects the back of your nose and throat to the middle ear and its function is to drain away mucus and particles. 

Inhaling vapors from a vape can irritate the respiratory system, including the sinuses and Eustachian tube, leading to sensations of blockage and distorted noises like crackling or popping. It may even prevent you from being able to equalise your ears. 

Common Symptoms from Vaping

If you vape, you might experience:

  • Popping sounds in the ears.
  • Crackling noises.
  • Watery sounds.
  • Feeling of being underwater (“I got water in my ear during the shower this morning!”).
  • Muffled sounds or a sensation of having cotton wool in your ears.
  • Discomfort or feelings of pressure.
  • Tinnitus.
  • A blocked sensation.

Visit The Ear Nurses for Professional Ear Assessment and Wax Removal 

Your ear nurse will examine your ear carefully with binocular vision and a light for optimal viewing of your ear canal and eardrum.  If there is any ear wax upon examination, it will be removed gently with microsuction.  

Your nurse will then assess your middle ear for Eustachian tube dysfunction, a common condition that can cause problems with hearing and ear sensation.  Your nurse will assess your middle ear for any fluid or debris which can occur with vaping, but will also ask you about conditions such as hayfever, and viruses.  Then your nurse will check the integrity and mobility of your eardrum, by asking you to equalise your ears, if appropriate.  This gives your nurse valuable information about the health of your middle ear,  and the area that can be affected by vaping.  

So visit The Ear Nurses to assess your Eustachian tube and middle ear. We can advise you on how to manage any sinus issues you have and with any wax related problems, to help you and your hearing feel good again.

Take action now to protect your ear health and overall well-being.