Why are earbuds so popular among teenagers?
Hearing Loss and Teenagers: Why are earbuds so popular?
- Earbuds, earphones, and Bluetooth devices offer private listening anywhere.
- Light weight
- Easy to use
Hearing Loss and Teenagers: Statistics:
- Hearing loss is 30% higher than in the 1980s and 1990s.
- Average teenagers listen to loud music for several hours a day.
- Hearing loss caused by noise is irreversible.
- Overuse of earbuds contribute to the buildup of ear infections and ear wax contributing to a further reduction of hearing
- Hormonal changes can contribute to increased production of ear wax.
How Earbuds Cause Hearing Loss:
- Damage to hair cells in the inner ear causes hearing loss and tinnitus.
- Loud sounds can damage cilia and prevent signals from being sent to the brain.
- Decibels above 85 can cause hearing loss.
- Sounds above 140 dB can permanently damage hearing.
Tips for Protecting Your Child’s Ears:
- Use earmuff-style headphones or noise-cancelling headphones.
- Follow the 60/60 rule: keep the volume below 60% and limit listening to under 60 minutes per day.
- Look for headphones with integrated volume control.
- Buy newer earbuds that offer a tighter fit.
- Invest in custom earbuds made according to an impression taken of the ear canal.
- Educate children and teenagers about the importance of protecting their hearing.
- Having your child’s ears cleaned twice a year can help prevent the build-up of ear wax and prevent ear infections
In Conclusion:
- Parents should be aware of the potential damage caused by personal listening devices.
- By taking preventative measures, teenagers can enjoy their music without risking hearing loss, earwax buildup or infections.
Cindy Morris, Registered Nurse Education Coordinator