Blogs - Crystal Clear Clinic

Clinically Proven Ear Wax Removal: Why Microsuction Wins!

Say goodbye to Excessive Ear Wax. Read more to find out the Importance of Microsuction ear cleaning and the necessary skills and training The Ear Nurses at Crystal Clear Ears have undergone to perform this ear cleaning procedure gently and professionally.

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Kids Ear Health: Why It Is Important

Children need healthy ears and good hearing for their overall development and well-being. Poor ear health can lead to numerous issues as kids grow, develop, and try to absorb the world around them. Read on to discover the various problems that can affect children’s ears, including wax buildup and infection, and learn how professional ear […]

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Explore Ear Health and Fun Activities: Kids Ear Corner

Explore Ear Health and Fun Activities: Introducing the Kids Ear Corner by The Ear Nurses Parents, are you concerned about your children’s hearing or ear discomfort? Welcome to Kids Ear Corner, where you can learn about helping your children hear, while your little ones can learn about ear health in a fun and educational way. Explore ear […]

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Unblock Ears: The Ear Nurses in East Melbourne

In the bustling heart of East Melbourne, amidst Victoria Parade and Victorian architecture, resides a clinic dedicated to restoring the often-overlooked sense of hearing due to ear wax or ear blockages. The Ear Nurses clinic stands as a beacon for those grappling with the nuisance of blocked ears and troublesome ear wax buildup. Learn how they […]

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Protecting Your Ears: Understanding Narrow Ear Canals

Importance of Ear Care for Swimmers and Surfers Protecting Your Ears: For many, swimming and surfing are more than just recreational activities; they’re a way of life. However, enthusiasts of these water sports may encounter unique challenges related to ear health, particularly a condition known as exostosis. In this blog, we’ll explore exostosis, its impact […]

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Essential Ear Care Tips: How to Keep Your Ears Clean and Healthy

Essential Ear Care Tips: Our ears are not only vital for hearing but also play a crucial role in maintaining balance and spatial orientation. However, they are often neglected when it comes to regular hygiene practices. Proper ear care is essential for preventing infections and maintaining overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore some simple […]

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Crystal Clear Ears: A Guide to Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Crystal Clear Ears: The Ear Nurses offer a cutting-edge solution to one of the most common yet often overlooked health concerns: ear wax buildup. With their expertise in microsuction ear cleaning, they provide a clinically proven method for removing excess ear wax. Explore ear wax removal, microsuction, and why The Ear Nurses at Crystal Clear […]

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Skip Ear Candling!

Choose The Ear Nurses for Superior Ear Cleaning. Experiencing blocked ears? Resist the temptation to try ear candling. While ear candles may be easily accessible in pharmacies and health food stores, this method of ear wax removal is potentially dangerous. What is Ear Candling? Ear candling involves inserting a hollow fabric candle coated in wax […]

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The Benefits of Ear Cleaning Before a Hearing Test

Before undergoing a hearing test, you might question the necessity of ear cleaning.  Surprisingly, ensuring your ears are clean prior to a hearing assessment can impact the accuracy of the results or can save you extra visits to the audiologist. Let’s see why pre-hearing ear cleaning is a smart move for optimal hearing health. Optimising […]

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Why Blocked Ears Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Insights from The Ear Nurses Blocked ears are a common issue that many people experience at some point in their lives. Whether it’s due to earwax buildup, infections, or other causes, blocked ears can be more than just a minor annoyance. Ignoring this problem can lead to more serious health issues. Here, The Ear Nurses […]

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Why Do My Ears Feel Blocked?

Visit The Ear Nurses Ears feel blocked can be uncomfortable and annoying. This common sensation, also known as ear occlusions or ear fullness, can have several causes. Understanding these can help you find the right solution and relief. Let’s explore the common reasons behind that blocked ear feeling. Earwax Buildup: Earwax (cerumen) naturally protects and […]

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